Nestled in a bushland setting, Blaxland Public School is a friendly, community-focused school that encourages each student to grow in a supportive, caring and challenging environment.
School hours
Morning supervision
Teacher supervision begins at 8:35am. Students are required to sit quietly on the seat in front of the hall prior to 8:35am. The duty teacher will ring the morning bell to let the students know duty has started and they may put their bags in their allocated classroom areas and return to the duty area of the playground. The first session bell rings at 9:05am.
Recess and lunch
Recess starts at 11am, where students are supervised for morning tea. The end of recess bell rings at 11:30am. Students assemble in front of classrooms for the middle session.
Lunch starts at 1pm and ends at 1:45pm. Teachers supervise students for the first 10 minutes of eating time.
Students are required to finish their lunch, place their rubbish in the bin and go to play, with teacher's permission.
Afternoon supervision
Afternoon bell rings at 3:05pm. Students who are catching buses move to the bus lines and wait with the duty teacher.